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8 other LiveCD (4 OS and 2 games) !

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:35 am
by screetch
Hello from France,

Your list of LiveCD don't refer to a lot of LiveCD !!

- AROS, an open-source Operating System based on AmigaOS source compatibility. There are 3 versions (x86, x86-64 and PPC).

- MorphOS, a commercial Operating System based on AmigaOS binary compatibility. PPC Only.

- AmigaOS, yes Amiga is not dead and a new version (commercial) exist ! PPC Only.

- ReactOS, an open-source Operating system based on Windows binary compatibility. x86 only.

- Trigger, an open-source car racing game. LiveCD for PPC.

- Torcs, an open-source car racing game. LiveCD for PPC.

Bye !