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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:33 am
by AT Consultancy
Name: ATMission
Min and Max ISO size: 530 MB
Purpose: Education, Rescue, Security, Diagnostics, Firewalls, Servers

ATmission is a Live Linux CD. You can boot from this CD-rom and experiment with Linux in all it's aspects. The main advantage of ATmission compared to other Live Linux CD's is it's flexibility.

You can modify any file on the ATmission Live CD!!

This implies you can:

* create user accounts,
* install additional RPM's,
* start a database on boot,
* configure a firewall,
* ...... anything you can do with a normal Linux system, and
* preserve your changes in a file located on hard disk or a USB memory stick

AT Mission is based on the cowloop driver;

The cowloop-driver is a copy-on-write loop driver (block device) to be used on top of any other block driver.
The cowloop-driver shields the lower driver from any write accesses. Instead, it diverts all write-accesses to an arbitrary regular file.

The cowloop-driver has been developed for ATmission, the Linux Live-CD of AT Consultancy.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:50 pm
by nick
This is great, there have been many instances when I have needed to write to the read-only files on Knoppix. I'll add this distro, but I'll need to narrow down the list of it's purposes. I try to keep it to a max of three, because most live CDs can be used for almost anything, the purpose list is more of a "pick the one main purpose this CD was designed for" list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:07 pm
by nick
Tested, looks great, and I added it to the list. Thanks.