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GPUL, Alpha CPU LiveCD

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:50 am
by anony
There is something wrong with GPUL entry on the list.
(2 "non english")

Gentoo had released LiveCD for Alpha CPU (first 64 bit commercial CPU).

Because there is a "Power PC" category, is it possible to add "Alpha CPU" category?

Alpha was a CPU created by former DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP (DEC), a giant Mini Computer company in 1970-1980.
DEC was bought by COMPAQ.
Later COMPAQ was merged with HP.
I heard SAMSUNG bought ALPHA CPU patents and design team from COMPAQ in 1990s.

There was a MS Windows NT, UNIX and BSD for ALPHA in 1990s.
There is a Linux for Alpha developer community.

Most analyst say that Alpha 64 bits CPU were ahead of its time, because in 1980s, the number of applications that need large memory (Gb) is small.

Several technology from Alpha (bus etc) are used on the modern AMD 64 / Opteron and Motorola PowerPC CPU.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:47 pm
by nick
Hi Anony,

Currently the list does not have a spot for Alpha architecture, but I'm working on a way to incorporate this and other architectures better.