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m0n0wall (monowall) freeBSD firewall

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:08 pm
by bitcore
What about m0n0wall? Excellent FreeBSD based firewall software and my favorite out of them all. Wonderful ballence of features, stable & secure as a rock.
(heck, it also comes in CF flash images, embedded system images, and HDD versions)

Name: M0n0wall
ISO: 7.22 MB
Arch: X86 FreeBSD
Purpose: Firewall
Language: EN

It's rather popular in the home-grown wireless ISP circles, Much better than a floppy based solution where size forces features to be cut. It's better if you have a box with at least 133mhz for ease of administration, since it's PHP web-based, admin pageloads can be slow on a really slow processor, apparently the administration php thread has a low process priority to keep network throughput and reliability up. <- A plus

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:46 pm
by nick
Wow, not sure how I missed this one, I guess I always thought it needed to be installed to a hard drive like smoothwall.

I'm gonna go try it out. Thanks for the post!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:10 am
by bitcore
nope, It may have use to more than a year ago, I've been running it for about 14 months now. The CF image rom is a neat trick too. Buy a 16M CF card and a CF to IDE converter (the pins onthe card are exactly the same as IDE, just extremely small) off of ebay for lke 5$ and you have a diskless router, remove the fans and get passive heatsinks and and you have no moving parts.