The list went through another revision today, i guess this would be .x upgrade if it were a software package.
I changed a few things on the list in order to include more information in a cleaner manner. Votes are now the first column, the function column has been pruned and re-organized, the Download column has icons for http/ftp/bittorrent downloading (and hopefully in the future some more torrent-tracker sites), and the Wiki column is now the Links column. This is probably the most important change, as now all the information for the LiveCDs is grouped together with links to the project's homepage, wikipedia entry, distrowatch page, and the previous livecd list wiki page that I had setup.
I have not finished adding wikipedia and distrowatch links, I'll be doing that in the near future. In the mean time, wikipedia needs more entries for missing LiveCDs, if anyone adds one, please let me know somehow (post here, pm me, email me).
Also, please let me know how the new layout is working.