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StarCD: GIS / Scientific LiveCD from Thailand.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 11:53 pm
by Guest
Name: StarCD

Provide the Asian Institute of Technology STAR students with a GRASS GIS Laboratory for habitat analysis that would run Linux/GRASS on CDROM with the spearfish dataset. Added Purposes:
- Provide students with an brief Overview of Quantum GIS.
- Minnesota Mapserver demo running from CDROM.
- Provide students with an brief Overview of DEM manipulations in GRASS GIS.
- Provide anybody with a GRASS GIS / Linux Desktop able to read/write specific data either from USB Flash Disk / the computer Hard Disk (FAT).



Minimum and maximum size: 530 MB

Function: Scientific, Education

Language: Thai (Non English).

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:31 pm
by nick
Added, thanks for the info!