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Article: My Workstation OS: Knoppix

Discussion and questions about hardware for LiveCDs, LiveDVDs, and LiveUSB devices, such as media, optical drives, and USB flash drives.

Article: My Workstation OS: Knoppix

Postby nick » Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:28 pm

NewsForge has a cool article about Knoppix and a USB drive being used as a person's workstation OS of choice. Most people only see Knoppix as a temporary solution and don't realize that it is entirely possible to never install an OS to their hard drive. My only problem with the article is that it was too short. If it was longer it could have included more experiences of using a LiveCD vs the traditional hard drive install. For example, how did this change the way he uses a computer? Do slow load times of ever annoy him, or does he load the disc into RAM? Switching completely from one OS to another brings up many issues not considered when one only switches for a few hours or a day.
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