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OMSA Knoppix (Live CD with Dell OpenManage)

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OMSA Knoppix (Live CD with Dell OpenManage)

Postby Sven » Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:12 am

Dell OpenManage Knoppix

A live CD based on Knoppix 3.4 that allows to run Dell Openmanage directly from the CD (because OMSA does not yet run weith Kernel 2.6.x).

There are two flavors:

* One is a full featured Knoppix CD with KDE and almost all recovery and god knows tools (614 MB),
* the other is a stripped down version that still offers numerous tools, but has been shrinked to 300 MB for slower connections.

Nothing needs to be installed on the harddisks and no drives get mounted writeble by default, so you can safely use this CD, it will not destroy anything.

This CD also makes OMSA available for Dell desktop systems - just insert and boot!


* Download the iso of your choice
* Create a CD with the ISO ("Burn Image" or similar in most CD recording applications)
* Boot the CD
* On the first boot screen, try the default by just hitting Return
o If this doesn't help, F2 and F3 can give you hints.
o The default cheatcodes (when just pressing Return) are: "knoppix nodma noscsi atapicd" - this works fine on the Dell 1750s
* No matter which flavour you use, in any case after some time a browser should start up automatically and ask you about accepting a certificate, which you do.
* Then you should already see the OpenManage screen. Enter "root" as username and "omsa" as password.
* You can now use OpenManage just as if it were installed on your box.
* It's also possible to look at OpenManage from another browser by using the following URL: (please note that it is https)

* Remastered by sven h.

* Knoppix is a great Linux Live distribution maintained by Klaus Knopper that can be downloaded here:

* I used the knoppix-remaster script (

* and the instructions given here: ... llOMSALong

Thanks everybody for distros, help, tools and the public server that hosts the files!!![/url]

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:13 pm


Is there any agreement / license / official statement from Dell about your LiveCD distro?

Is there any exclusive agreement between RedHat and Dell?
(preventing other distro creator from using OMSA on their distro).

I hope Dell will not sue other Linux distros that use OMSA.

If Dell agrees, perhaps Dell PC retailers in various countries can bundle your free distro with new Dell PC.

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:25 pm


Postby Sven » Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:10 am

Hi there,

any reason why you didn't add OMSA Knoppix to the list ( ... &showonly=)?

Dell's linux engineers put int on their server as well, so I guess it should be fine.


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